Young students become young journalists in the Writers'
Workshop. Students develop factual and creative writing skills in a
stimulating environment. Build a face and then write a story about your
character. Join the Newsgroup where a bank of video shorts, photos, and
reporting assignments inspire young writers to create their own sound-track
scripts. Write captions, broadcasts, and reports for newspapers and
magazines. Research news stories and read from a teleprompter. Students feel
like professional journalists while they learn to capture their audience's
attention with concise reporting.
Writer's Block taps into students' creativity as it prompts them to script
and record interviews, advertisements, and plays. They also learn to write
dialog and use descriptive language to create magazine-style photo stories,
profiles, and biographies. The program is designed so that students can move
through their projects intuitively. There's library of study points guide
them along the way and projects can even be saved on the web. There's plenty
of classroom support materials for teachers and the program switches to
French, Spanish, or German at the click of a mouse. All products are
automatically saved as web pages for easy posting on the internet.
- Bank of writing assignments, video shorts, and photos
- Radio, newspaper, and magazine writing activities
- Helpful tips for young writers
- Runs in English, French, Spanish, German
- Lots of classroom support materials included
Minimum system requirements
Win 3.11+, Pentium, 16 MB RAM, 256 Color, 640x480, 4x CD
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